Welcome to EcoHub.
We provide one stop solution for all things environment. Ecohub is a not-for profit organisation working towards saving the environment and ensuring a better future for our planet
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Our Mission
Ecohub is a not-for proift organisation working towards saving the environment and ensuring a better future for our planet. Our mission is to raise awareness about the ongoing ecological catastrophies, connect people with organisations doing the groundwork required to help the environment, promote sustainable practices, connect with users and helping them out in any way possible.

Ecohub has collaborated with major foundations and companies such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, IBM, Wipro, to ensure being able to reach the community on a global scale. Closely working with many industries, we have managed to reduce carbon emissions of industrial infrastructure by upto 15% Ecohub was founded on basic moral principles of giving back. Nature and the environment provide us with all the necessities as well as the luxuries that we so often take for granted and it is about time that we start giving back. Through our initiatives we aim to build a more sustainable future in this beautiful planet we call home.
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EcoHub Towers
165, A.J.C Bose Road, Entally, Kolkata, West Bengal 700014